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At Port Royal, you will have several privileges for your family and children. When you take a step in, you will be taking a step into not only one of the comfortable residences with different types, but also to the warmth of a family with lifelong tranquility. Considering all the finest details from the rising of the sun to the direction of wind, Port Royal maximizes the tranquility in your home. This detailed section consisted of 2+1 and 3+1 residences suitable to the Turkish family life opens a tranquil window to the Istanbul’s colorful life with its different line. Designed for those who adopt a fast and active city life and consisted of 1+1 residences, Active Royal meets all your needs with luxurious services and comfortable residences. You can either enjoy a lifelong comfort or enjoy a high earning potential with our rental service.
55 m²
price : $90,000
360 Istanbul is Located in the heart of Istanbul, which…
Overview Located in one of the most popular corners of…
Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.
Suze Orman